4/9/17 thru 4/13/17
4/9/17 Poetry Prompt is "Reciprocal Mobility." Take and Give From what I was told, take and give or give and take balance each other out. You give and much as you take, And take as much as you give, But what if they are all wrong? What if you give more than you take, Or take less than what you give? How would the world look then? Would it change much? Would we become a true reciprocal society, Or just keep pretending. ________________________________________________________________ 4/10/17 Today's prompt is "Secret of Patience" The Secret of Patience I say goodbye to one student as another one waits by the door. There were 35 students, but 3 have moved on, And waiting on a list, 10 more. "How do you do it? Are they all different grades? How do you keep it together?" I give them a smile, and simply say, "The secret of my patience is my faith." ______________________________________________________________...