Is there socializing in homeschooling?

This past week we met about 24 families that are part of our charter homeschool group (Idaho Virtual Academy). As I watched, I was amazed on how well the children got along, the manners they had, and the age differences did not seem to bother anyone. This was the first of many planned outings that we have planned for the upcoming year. We have many group activities such as trips to Chuck E Cheese, various local parks, Lego Club, trips to museums, piano lessons, the occasional birthday party, and even parents-night-out.
I am sharing this because many people feel that children who are homeschooled do not socialize, are easily bored, and get less than an adequate education. The archaic image of parent and child sitting at the kitchen table, reading a book, rarely leaving the house, still seems to pop up. Homeschooling is no longer limited to a book but can get as big and wild as the child and parents imagination.
Parents have options on how they want their child to be educated. For a parent that has a child with special needs, public schools offer many avenues to help their child progress through life. Many charter homeschool programs also offer additional assistance for special needs just like a traditional public school. For children who have been bullied, fallen behind, or unable to excel in school at their own pace, homeschooling is a great option as well. Whichever form of education the parents choose, if it does not work out, they always have the opportunity to change their mind.


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