Alternative Play on a Cold Day

As many of you already know, we live in Idaho and it has been cold lately. We don't mind the cold, as long as there is snow on the ground so we can play. As a home-schooling Mom, I am always looking for fun field trip ideas, but with this weather, going to the park is out of the question. So one day while driving to my son's piano lessons and listening to the radio, KTSY announced that Just Kid'n Around was now open. Hearing the good news, one of our Home-school Mom's organized a trip for our group. 

We all showed up at 10am, and since we had over 10 kids, we qualified for a group discount! This place was great and the staff was even more amazing. It had plenty of space for children to play, lots of seating available for moms, a cafeteria full of healthy snacks, free WiFi, and yes, even coffee. What I thought would be an hour of play, lasted 4 hours. I plan to visit again very soon, and next time I'm bringing my Nook



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