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Summer Came and Is Almost Gone
The summer started with a heartbreak as my wonderful and loving Mom-in-Law went home to Heaven. I couldn't have been blessed with a better Mom. Through tragedy, came the blessing of my Sister-in-Law making Idaho her new home, and which I hope will inspire her writing. My son now has his cousins close by, which will make for lots of fun come winter!
My husband and son finally when White Water Rafting on the Payette River this year, I'm glad it was a Father and Son event because I don't think I'm ready yet. We also went to Roaring Springs Waterpark, which was amazing. Next year, we are getting season passes!
We have been truly blessed by having wonderful young man stay with us for the Summer. He has been a great example to our son, and to those who are surrounded by him. I know he will do well as he enters his last year at BSU.
This Fall, I will continue my pursuit of a degree in Psychology and my husband will continue working on his degree in Web Development, as we homeschool our son for another year (his choice). This will be the 6th year we enroll with IDVA, I have to say I love the k12 curriculum! I don't know who is more excited about returning to school, though I am pretty sure that I am more excited than my son.
I also look forward to tutoring once again. I love teaching kids who struggle because it gives me the opportunity to make learning fun, and to chance their attitudes about school. I also love to apply what I have learned is Psychology, to those wonderful kids. And to be honest, I love the challenge of creating curriculum for the students. When they don't "get it" I find another way to teach them until they do.
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