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Do you Moodle?
WooHoo! A new school year has started. After 7 years of being part of IDVA, we decided to try another homeschooling program. After lots of research, prayer, and advice, we have decided to give IDEA a try. Aside of being able to choose our own curriculum, my son also decided to take a couple of teacher lead courses (non-parent lead). Physical Science, which is taught through IDLA, and Algebra 1, which is taught by my hubby and by using Moodle.

I have to say that I am a little overwhelmed on the amount of school work my son has to do, but he doesn't seem to mind. Besides Science and Algebra 1, he is also taking World History, Language Arts, Music, Photography, Health, and PE. My hubby is also teaching him Computer Programming, and I am teaching him Home Economics. Why Home EC? Why not? He already does his own laundry (thanks to the suggestion of my dear friend Edith), and can already follow cooking recipes. I still want to teach my son how sew on buttons, fix tiny rips, and how to develop his own recipes.
This year will certainly be different and might even be more challenging, but I am still grateful that we have chosen to homeschool again. It's nice to have educational options.
Hi there! I'm Heather and I was wondering if you would answer my quick question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at) I would greatly appreciate it!